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Revision as of 11:49, 13 June 2012 by Dduck (Talk | contribs)
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Welcome to Brock's Wiki server's help Wiki I'm not sure that allowing anonymous people to create accounts is a good idea.. This Wiki is designed to help with Wikis hosted at

If you would like to request an academic wiki please go to



     Dduck             |
Dduck 15:49, 13 June 2012 (UTC)     Dduck 15:49, 13 June 2012 (UTC)      -----                    |
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     ~~..             ...Dduck.           ....Dduck...     ..~ 

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How you can help

  • Write: If you know how to work with a Wiki contributing an explanation or guide to this wiki will help others become for familiar with Wiki'ing.
  • Suggest: Leave 'us' some suggestions about how our wikis should work.


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