Change default logo

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As the owner of a wiki you can modify the logo that appears at the top right of your wiki by following these steps

  • Create an image no wider than 150 pixels and no taller than 200 pixels in either GIF, JPEG or PNG format and then E-Mail Matt Clare with your request and the file.
  • Upload the image to the internet. You can even upload the image to your own wiki, but you may want to protect it.
  • Copy the URL for the image.
  • With the account you used to create the wiki, login to the Modify the settings of an existing wiki area.
  • Navigate to the Wiki Settings page
  • Paste the URL into the Logo URL: field and press Modify.
  • Verify that the new log appears both in the settings list and on your wiki.

If you need assistance please contact the CTLET via

[edit] Examples

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