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Group 2 – The Genres

Map out all of the narrative and literary genres used by Richardson and provide a quick explanation of how and when those genres are used: which are the major genres, which are minor, and how do they intersect? Provide a guide to the genres in his novel to help visualize the relative importance of each.

Volume 1 Volume 1 of John Richardson’s, Wacousta, is rich and full of different types of genre. Specifically in volume 1, the genres of mystery and the gothic appear to be the major ones at play, and they also intersect at times. There is also the genre of romance throughout volume 1, and it can be seen as intersecting with the gothic genre as well.


To begin with the mystery genre, it is most certainly a major genre used throughout volume 1 of the text. The mystery genre is most prevalent in volume 1 surrounding the character of Wacousta, as well as the happenstance that occurs with the stranger in the night and the murder, and also with the case and trial of Frank Halloway.


The gothic genre is most definitely a major genre at play in the first volume of Richardsons text. The gothic genre is introduced during chapter two with the intruder in the night, and it progresses throughout the volume with the first mysterious death in the story.


The romantic genre takes more of a minor position in this volume while it is concerned with Frank and Ellen Halloway, as well as the talks of Valletort and Clara De Haldimar. However, the romantic genre most certainly progresses and takes a more substantial standpoint in the remaining volumes.

Intersection of Mystery and Gothic Genres:

The intersection between the mystery and gothic genres create quite a dark and fearful feeling for this novel in volume 1. The gothic mystery becomes most apparent regarding the English settlers' fear of the forest, as well as the horrific and fearful descriptions of Wacousta, and of course the mysterious death following the intruder in the night.

Intersection of Gothic and Romantic Genres:

The intersection of the gothic and romantic genres in volume 1 is played out through the trial and execution of Frank Halloway, as himself and his wife Ellen portray very high emotion regarding his execution and the destruction of their love. The intersection between these genre’s can also be seen while Valletort is under the impression that he has killed Charles De Haldimar, the brother of the woman he has admired for years.

(I will be adding specific textual quotations and explanations over the next two days, let me know if you guys would like to change the format and how I have been laying out my work )- Sam :)

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