Impact of MOOCs and Future Trends

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The three articles provide insights into the dynamic landscape of Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs). The first explores the multifaceted role of MOOC instructors, suggesting a diminishing role in live sessions as peer interaction and automation take center stage. The second conducts a thorough literature review from 2013 to 2020, revealing a dominance of US-based empirical research with a focus on MOOC adoption, highlighting gaps in addressing completion rates and instructor-related issues. The third article focuses on the future of MOOCs, emphasizing the need for personalized and adaptive learning, and proposing a comprehensive examination of teaching models to their role in developing nations. Together, these articles offer a nuanced understanding of challenges, trends, and prospects in the MOOC landscape.

The emergent role of the MOOC instructor: a qualitative study of trends toward improving future practice

Trends and Future Prospects in MOOC Researches: A Systematic Literature Review 2013–2020

The Future of MOOCs: Adaptive Learning or Business Model?

Er19az 10:10, 4 December 2023 (EST)

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