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From RECL 3P25 Fall 2011 - Group 04 - Community Visioning

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Community Visioning


When should your technique be used? Who should it be used by, who should it be used with? When has the technique been used? Provide three different real-life examples of how the technique has been used in community/group settings. Videos can be included in this section.


How do you do the technique? Include a detailed or step-by-step procedure. Videos can be included in this section. Include implementation strategies that you learned through conducting your practice sessions.

Technique Strengths

What is good about this technique, versus other approaches to addressing the same problem? Draw on scholarly research on the effectiveness or usefulness of the technique, as well as what you learned about the technique through your practice sessions/expert interviews.

Technique Limitations

What are the challenges and limitations to the technique, versus other approaches to addressing the same problem? Draw on scholarly research as well as what you learned about limitations through your practice sessions/expert interviews. This section should include a thoughtful critique based on the scholarly literature.

Tips for Successful Implementation

Provide the reader with some hints and tips for how to successfully implement the technique. Again, these can be drawn from scholarly literature, useful sources, and your own practical experience.


Include a reference list of all of the sources used to prepare your workshop and wiki site. A minimum of four scholarly sources must be referenced (and appropriately used).

External Links

Include web addresses of any external sites that your group found particularly useful and that can give readers more information on the topic.


List your names.

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