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Community Visioning


When should your technique be used? The beauty of this process is that it may be used in various situations that involve the change of some community based system. If a community has discovered that they wish to explore new ideas for a more improved community, this process would help facilitate the proper vision of feasible and attainable ideas that would create a more economically, environmentally, and socially stable community.

Who should it be used by, who should it be used with? This process is valuable to those people within a local community that wish to have a voice within the decision making process for vision for a better community. This process would be best used by those communities that have a lack of economic stimulus, poor environmental sustainability practices, or diminished social networking. This process will bring all to most of the community members to the table to discuss the future vision of a more prosperous area of interest such as economics, environmental, social, etc. Bringing out the valuable members to the table that can influential are extremely important to build up a group of resourceful candidates for change.

When has the technique been used?

We have seen community visioning in many different communities around the world, such examples are:

Alpine Shire

In Alpine Shire, Australia, we saw the local community attempting to create a more prosperous community through the means of surveys and meetings. This group sought out to find some of the problems that were affecting the local health, environmental, and economics instabilities. This vision has been named the Municipal Public Health and Wellbeing Plan and been planned out to be done over a 20 year span, to be completed in 2030(Alpine Shire, 2010). To see a promotional video, visit thisyoutubesite.

SCI East North

Another example of community visioning in action was in the SCI East North community organization in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. This community group met together as a neighborhood to determine what sort of ideas and visions they had for their local area. In 2009, this group held meetings and session, and came up with many different ideas to improve the health, well being and economic stimulus within the region. They have created many different gardening projects around the park systems in the community art and digital photography competitions, and even a local community watch and security program. Through this process they were able to find the local issues and address them with the resources they had, and they have found success and future developments for the future (SCI East North, 2009). To visit their community organization’s website and more information about them, visit here. To see their community visioning workshops on youtube, clickhere.

Ketchum, Idaho

In January 2011, Ketchum Community Development Corporation (2011)sponsored a local community visioning project that involved local government officials, health practitioners, tourism groups, educational representatives, and people from the arts community to meet together to create a vision of the sort of community they would like to see. This type of community visioning is a slightly different approach where the community development group has identified some key contributors in the community, and used them to identify some ideas. These ideas will then be presented to the local community meeting of local residents to determine what sorts of ideas are most important and to add to the list. This would then lead another large meeting where all the contributors of this vision would create the vision statement for the community to create a committed group statement. To see the groups first community visioning workshop, visit here.


How do you do the technique? Include a detailed or step-by-step procedure. Videos can be included in this section. Include implementation strategies that you learned through conducting your practice sessions.

Technique Strengths

What is good about this technique, versus other approaches to addressing the same problem? Draw on scholarly research on the effectiveness or usefulness of the technique, as well as what you learned about the technique through your practice sessions/expert interviews.

Technique Limitations

Despite Community Visioning having many great aspects to it, like every process that involves working towards a better community there are some draw backs. The article written for the Community Programing Process used in the Gold Coast of Australia concluded many of the same limitations that we found in our practice session along with others.

Time allotted

• It takes 6-12 months to complete the process and by this time people may lose interest or are not as committed as they once where

• Those that can not make the meetings may feel like they have missed out and are not part of the process

• Community members may see it as too big of a commitment if they aren’t getting paid

• There may be a large number of visions or opinions, making time commitment longer

• The visions in which the task force come up with may not be attainable in the allotted time

Government or steering committee powers

• Active citizens in the Visioning Process may have little say after the Process has finished and plans are to be implemented

• Stake holders can be part of a steering community and push their agenda

• Community’s may have a lack of trust in the government and are unwilling to invest their time in the Process

Resist for change

• Not all community members will be interested in changing their community

• This process and the changes from it may create a culture shift that some citizens won’t want

• Youth and seniors may be left out of the process and therefore the vision may not be inclusive of the whole community.

Other practices such as the dot-moracy, coming to a consensus and problem tree look at different aspects in bettering a community and coming up with a plan of action. These techniques are shorter in deration and allow for the process to move at a faster pace. The Golden Coast Community Process explains just how long it takes to complete the process and how this can be a major downfall.

Tips for Successful Implementation

Provide the reader with some hints and tips for how to successfully implement the technique. Again, these can be drawn from scholarly literature, useful sources, and your own practical experience.


Include a reference list of all of the sources used to prepare your workshop and wiki site. A minimum of four scholarly sources must be referenced (and appropriately used).

Cuthill, M. (2004). Community Visioning: Facilitating Informed Citizen Participation in Local Area Planning on the Gold Coast. Urban Policy and Research, 22, 4, p. 427-445.

External Links

Include web addresses of any external sites that your group found particularly useful and that can give readers more information on the topic.


  1. Mike Taylor
  2. Alex Harrison
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