Carleton University 2009 Update

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Carleton University – E-Learning Activities 2009 Educational Development Centre (EDC) and Carleton University Television (CUTV)

Carleton University Television (CUTV)

- Carleton University Television (CUTV) celebrated it’s 30th anniversary in 2008-09 with renewed supported from senior administration. It will also begin rebranding in 2009-10 to Carleton University Online as part of a distance/extended learning program.

- Video streaming operations changing for the Fall term 2009. New format (Flash streaming server, new student portal, and new content delivery network).

- Consolidation of CUTV administrative operations into one location, completely renovated student learning centre.

- Quadrupled bandwidth to streaming servers.

- Added podcast version of all lectures

- During transit strike captured and video streamed 20 additional large courses (3300 student registrations).

Educational Development Centre (EDC) Learning Management System - WebCT - Extended license by three years (2011-12). - Substantial investments in server infrastructure after determining that reliability and responsiveness problems were related to load issues. - EDC has established its own WebCT development environment

LMS Review Working Group - Conducted and analyzed three questionnaires (students, teaching assistants and instructors) - Preliminary demonstration of three LMS (Sakai, Moodle and D2L) - Proceed with a pilot for Winter term 2010.

iTunes U - portfolio handed off to Communications; EDC responsible for academic content and partnerships. Soft launch planned for September.

Clickers - continue to be extremely popular.

Organization change

- New position created and filled: Computer Mediated Learning Technologist.

Development initiatives - LMS use continues to see significant growth - University Teaching Certificate – includes e-learning component - Essay feedback tool (alpha) - Online Syllabus generator (beta) - VideoTech (FSL instructor learning resource) - Simple e-portfolios using blog tools (wordpress).

Challenges - Uncertain funding - Very slow central support for web 2.0 learning technologies (lack of resources) - Apparent Increasing pressures on instructors' available resources

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