University of Ottawa 2008 Update

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[edit] University of Ottawa

[edit] E-learning and Distance Learning Initiatives

[edit] Centre for Mediated Teaching and Learning

New High Definition Videoconference bridge (40 ports full HD 720i)

Full High Definition videoconferencing classrooms (LPR286 and Toronto)

Full High Definition VC mobile unit.

We’re moving to HD and 16:9 format. Better picture – better learning experience

Mediasite (live event) streaming encoder and server.

More capability for recording and streaming (VC) courses : better student experience

ECCO 2.0 Community of Practice (Pilot with Part-time profs this fall)

[edit] Centre for e-Learning

ITunesU Pilot with10 faculty members

e-portfolio pilot projects with 2 health sciences units

Planning for development of student survey (new students entering Fall 2009) on use of technology in their learning

Second Life – exploratory phase

[edit] Centre for Media Distribution

We are incorporating the Visual Arts section to our fold (the 3rd department from the Fac. of Arts). We will provide the technical and pedagogical support for training to the students (from the content provided by the teachers)

“Infant stages” but important…talking with the library about the resurgence of the EDS of the 1990s…now, the digital library with the new (AMX …yes, Alain) 2008 scheduling/digital delivery system; we met before on this and I will ask you to join me in a demo when it comes about (NB: other schools are in the same boat…York is doing it already). CCS will also have to be involved.

Remote Management System from AMX. Full implementation is underway (hoping for Sept.2008, at least a good chunk). This will be crucial in the interconnectivity of classroom, scheduling, security, stats analysis, troubleshooting and support and so on. It’s a big one for us and ultimately for the pedagogical support in the classrooms.

Like Centre for Mediated Teaching and Learning, we are going widescreen 16:9 projection this year. It will require some interaction and methodology (on-going) to understand the implications.

We are installing DSP now; it improves audio quality and provides better control

Echo360; teachers seem happy with it. NEW: the new version of Echo360 now provides for editing of clips (like non-linear editing) and is the first of its kind.

50+ installs this year; our success in the classrooms has meant that we are now doing many other projects outside of registrar rooms

Increased the number /variety of workshops given to profs this year (August/Sept.2008)

Working on the SMART initiative to include more SMART sympodia for the Faculty of Education

More interactivity via SMART, clickers, wireless technology available in the room, etc.

Initiative in September- survey for students about seating arrangements (type of seat, type of configuration, etc.)

Electronic card access to media rooms (could be a discussion); few schools are as advanced as we are with ease of access to all rooms, security, etc. (Ryerson is ahead of us with ONE unique ID card with all possible accesses to services…what we should gear up to one day)

Conclusion: We (TLSS) are getting more and more involved with day to day teaching spaces including M&E design, lighting criteria, architecture and so on.

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