Trent University COED 2009 Update

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- Creation of an intranet site with instructional development resources for faculty and TAs.

- Expansion of the TA Training Certificate Program offerings to include additional discipline-specific workshops.

- Partnership with the Indigenous Studies Department to offer a workshop series for TAs that provide a focus on Indigenous pedagogies.

- External teaching award recognitions: 3M Teaching Fellowship; Canadian Mathematical Society; National Technology Innovation Award.


- Institutional financial deficit resulting in a reduction to the operating and staffing budgets.

[edit] DIRECTIONS FOR 2009-2010

-Building internal capacity to support faculty in meeting the UDLEs

-A new visioning and strategic planning process is underway, under the leadership of our new president, Steven Franklin. We will be moving to an integrated planning framework in the Spring, and as part of that process we are exploring possible restructuring to bring together a number of institutional units related to teaching and learning development.

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