Wikis In Education

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Brock University now has an academic wiki server. A wiki is a collaborative website which can be directly edited by anyone with access to it. Wiki's are great repositories for collaborative information and offer effective and simple tools to track revisions and who made contributions. You may already be familiar with the world's biggest wiki, Wikipedia.


About Wikis

Wiki is Hawaiian for quick and our server "Kumu" takes its name from the Hawaiian word for teacher or starting place.

Wikis at Brock

You can view and contribute to the existing wikis at Current examples include graduate courses that are building what amounts to an online text book or course pack, documentation for Brock's Learning Management System and collaborative spaces for inter-university committees.

Academic wikis can be requested at

This is an ongoing project of the Centre for Pedagogical Innovation, Brock University in partnership with Dr. Barry Joe of Digital Humanities and Dr. Tony DiPetta of Continuing Teacher Education.

If you would like to know more about how you can integrate into teaching please contact Matt Clare via

Wikis in Education

Wikis are great tools for organizing information and publishing it. Using nothing more than an internet connection and a web browser individuals can add their knowledge and refine others in projects that might entail; documentation or the creation of a reference, policy drafting, visioning, organization, a repository for group projects, creating portfolios, developing an on-line "text book" and more.

Ideas for Wikis

  • A shared place for students or colleagues to work on a text that tracks who contributed, what they contributed and when they contributed all while being easy to use is an ideal catalyst for group work.
  • Work on shared proposals, projects or policy options
  • Master List of topics: Create an empty glossary of words, phrases, jargon that pertains to your area to be completed by students.
  • Create a collaborative syllabus or core-value statement for a class or group.
  • Organize writing on a topic: Provide guidelines to develop a topic, and have students do it in groups or individually. Students' contributions can be tracked and distinguished from others.
  • Create a book: Create a textbook for using in this particular course. Have students from each offering of the course continuously build the resource.
  • Sign-up sheet: Create an on-line sign-up sheet for assignments and group work.

Further Reading

Educational Wiki Examples

About Wikis

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