Article 2: A Review of Zoom Utilization in Higher Education During the COVID-19 Pandemic

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A Review of Zoom Utilization in Higher Education During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Krome, L.R. (2021). “A Review of Zoom Utilization in Higher Education During the COVID-19 Pandemic.” Education Thinking, 1(1),11-16.


[edit] Context

In the COVID-19 pandemic, educational facilities had to make a sudden transition from in-person lecturing to virtual learning. This was especially difficult in higher education where students are more likely to live on-campus and be involved in university life. Zoom became a saving grace for students who lived out-of-state and needed an effective and safe way to attend classes. This article highlights the importance of Zoom as a means of fostering a semblance of connection and providing a way to learn remotely. It examines the platform in both a positive and negative light. The author's objective is to deliver a formalized review of Zoom’s utilization in higher education based on a pre-examined collection of international articles about the platform’s impact. It focuses on four main themes about Zoom: (1) The transition from in-person to platform learning, (2) The comparison between traditional classrooms and online platforms, (3) The evaluation and impact of online learning on educators and students, and lastly (4) Recommendations and best practices for Zoom in higher education.

[edit] Overview

As mentioned in the context section, the article is categorized by specific themes that focus on the impact and function of Zoom as a platform. The first theme addresses the question: What challenges did students and educators face when transitioning to online platforms? They primarily struggled with technology literacy in which they were unfamiliar with the various functions Zoom provides. Krome mentions how many Western students did not receive detailed instructions on how to navigate the platform when the pandemic first started. Researchers in Brazil concluded that some students did not have access to the technology needed to operate Zoom while researchers based in China noted that student’s demotivation derives from student/teacher isolation. Moving on to the comparison between traditional classrooms and online platforms such as Zoom. This theme addressed the question: How did students and instructors react to education on Zoom? A study based in Portugal examined student’s opinions on the importance of face-to-face education and concluded that it is necessary that students learn in person. Another study done in Lebanon attempted to observe instructor’s attitudes towards Zoom and found that they were content with teaching online but needed to understand the technology more. The third theme addresses the question: How effective was online learning? According to Spanish researchers, many students reported that online education was difficult if their at-home environment was not conducive for learning and that they were unmotivated to participate. In one study, medical students asserted that they felt unprepared for their medical examinations based on online learning instruction. Although Zoom was an effective platform for providing education, many students and instructors noted that it did not foster comprehension or retention. Lastly, Krome offers recommendations and best practices to improve Zoom’s presence in higher education. This theme addresses the question: What can Zoom do to improve the experience of both students and educators? Some of these recommendations include informing students/educators on Zoom technology, running tests to ensure that Zoom functions work correctly, and communicating what resources are needed for students to succeed in online learning environments.

[edit] Strengths and Weaknesses

This article is a prime example of inclusivity in research. Krome included international studies to support her points and draw conclusions. Since the COVID-19 pandemic occurred worldwide, it is wise of her to cite studies from different countries to effectively understand how Zoom affected students and educators. This article also is strong in organization. The main points were separated into specific themes where one could easily understand her line of reasoning and the evidence to support it. Although this article is incredibly detailed, there are a few weaknesses. Krome included a variety of studies explaining the effect Zoom had on students but rarely mentioned how it impacted educators. It would be beneficial for the article to include more information on how educators were negatively or positively affected by the platform. Further, Krome could have conducted a study herself on students utilizing Zoom in higher education and that could have provided her more credibility to speak on the subject.

[edit] Assessment

In conclusion, this article effectively succeeds in its objective of delivering a formalized review of Zoom’s utilization in higher education based on a pre-examined collection of international articles about the platform’s impact. Krome includes a multitude of international studies detailing the impact Zoom had on students and educators during the pandemic. She examines the transition from face-to-face learning to online education and how that mostly negatively impacted students. Then, she compares traditional classrooms to online platforms to fully understand what students need from their learning environments. She concluded that students and educators alike need to understand Zoom’s technology more and that face-to-face learning was preferred overall. Online learning proved to be less effective as students were unmotivated to learn in unsuitable environments and felt isolated inside their homes. Further, Krome provided tangible recommendations for educators and students when they are utilizing Zoom in the future. I think the author did a superb job at examining international evidence and formulating it in a digestible way.

Vj23je 19:36, 29 November 2023 (EST)

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