The Nudging Effect of Accuracy Alerts for Combating the Diffusion of Misinformation: Algorithmic News Sources, Trust in Algorithms, and Users’ Discernment of Fake News

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The Nudging Effect of Accuracy Alerts for Combating the Diffusion of Misinformation: Algorithmic News Sources, Trust in Algorithms, and Users’ Discernment of Fake News

Shin, D., Kee, K. F., & Shin, E. Y. (2023). The Nudging Effect of Accuracy Alerts for Combating the Diffusion of Misinformation: Algorithmic News Sources, Trust in Algorithms, and Users’ Discernment of Fake News. Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media, 67(2), 141–160.


The provided reading discusses the findings of a study on combating misinformation through nudges, specifically Accuracy Alerts, on social media. The study explains the experimental evidence to analyze the nudging effect on users' discernment of fake news and their behavior toward misinformation sharing. The accuracy alerts used to display misinformation reports a lower watch time and user attention span. Meaning overall nudging and using these alerts allow users to make informed choices on the content they do and do not want to interact with. Interaction with content is a major factor on what the algorithm deems fit for promotion. Less interaction would mean overall less miss information available to the public eye. The research demonstrates that Accuracy Alerts, as a form of nudging, can play a crucial role in influencing users' discernment of misinformation and their behavior in sharing news on social media. The effectiveness of these nudges is influenced by factors such as the type of news source (algorithmic vs. non-algorithmic) and users' trust levels.


The study investigates the nudging effect of Accuracy Alerts on users' ability to discern misinformation. It specifically looks at how trust moderates this nudging effect. The research involved a 2 (accuracy nudge: with nudge vs. no nudge) × 2 (news source type: algorithmic news vs. legacy non-algorithmic news) experimental design. Misinformation sharing was found to be largely lower for legacy non-algorithmic news compared to algorithmic news. There was a greater decrease in algorithmic news when nudging was employed. This gave users effective knowledge on what information was deemed wrong. In conclusion, the study highlights that Accuracy Alerts, functioning as a form of nudging, significantly influence users' capacity to recognize misinformation. The identification of an algorithmic source indicates that the nature of the news source, whether algorithmic or non-algorithmic, is a crucial factor in how users respond to nudges. In many ways content was forced upon these users. In non traditional means the content was obtained by the reader and user. These findings provide valuable insights into the complex dynamics of misinformation diffusion and underscore the effectiveness of nudges in mitigating its impact.

Strengths and Weaknesses

A strength of this article is highly displayed in the research category. These contributions regarding algorithmic and non algorithmic sources truly display the impact that these organizations have when implementing their own means of content pushing. The article also explains how nudging was implemented in these practices, ultimately displaying things such as Alerts to the users. A weakness of the article could be bias on sources. Many people have different variations of what is and is not ideal for public interaction. These ideas are anonymously up to the alert system and its owners personal opinion on what they view and mis-information.


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