Imam, K

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Social Media Strategy for Online Service Brands Imam,K

Article Title: Social Media Strategy for Online Service Brands by Mills A. and Plangger K.

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Evidently, social media as we all know is the most powerful, if not, convenient tool accessible for reaching out to others while being aware of the world around us. In terms of businesses and services, it has demonstrated its succession with the means of broadening net presence, exposure if you will, along with promotion. Without doubt, substantial change continues to take place with more and more platforms realizing its convenience in addition to demand curves, trends, and consumer consumption.


This article focuses on the significance in which social media contributes to online strategies and market service brands through the evolving digital age. As we quickly progress so fluidly with time and space, so does technology and everything that it explores. “Some services, like banking and accounting, have generally seen efficient industry-wide movement to the online environment via branded websites. Other services, like healthcare and law, are in a slower process of industry transition. “(p.521). With that being said, the use of two-way communication is also introduced when discussing the major shift from early one-way brand-to-customer communication. The article also accentuates the prominent increase of opportunities that have risen with more than a third of 18-44-year-old users consciously following brands and their pages on social media networks, and nearly three-quarters for users between the ages of 24 and 34. The precise range in audiences is very interesting to note and account for, especially for market reach. These markets in which this article anticipates and contextualizes distinguish between blogs, micro-blogs, video-sharing sites, picture-sharing sites and social network sites.

Strengths and Weaknesses

This article does a great job in highlighting the common benefits that are seen from marketing through/with social media. These benefits include: 1. Its accessibility in developing regions, by providing knowledge about brands, products and services 2. Granting the opportunity for online services to enhance brand trust and relationships 3. Helping to establish online reputation and building relationships for community and customer engagement. The ability to connect with and influence customers through social media has become a key demand for many online service firms. Without this assurance and reliability, it would be quite difficult to maneuver and communicate to their consumers. In terms of weaknesses, the article does mention how the nature of privacy still prevails under all these activities such as information sharing and data collections & storage. The more content one leaves online (videos, pictures, numerical data), the more they should feel at risk with their usage. It would’ve been reasonable if this article left some simple guides for users and consumers to remain safe while navigating online.


Above all, this article is a very useful resource for newer online users and/or individuals who are interested in implementing and planning for social media. Any firms or net services can most certainly refer to this by understanding more on web-maintenance, access & reach, relationships & trust, as well as the many nuances that flow through social media.

--Ki13iz 15:00, 8 February 2019 (EST)

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