A.I. and Education

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Context Statement

AI integration reshapes education, impacting teaching methods, student experiences, and ethical dimensions. This project explores three pivotal subtopics in the AI and education discourse. “Understanding AI in Education” delves into AI technologies’ roles, like machine learning and natural language processing, examining their potential in content delivery, adaptive assessment, and personalized learning. The second subtopic, “Teacher Professional Development with AI,” focuses on whether AI-driven strategies for resource creation, continuous learning, and teacher training empower or hinder them. The third subtopic focuses on “AI in Special Education,” mainly looking into the systematic review, how it’s helping in special education right now, and the future of AI in Special Education technology. This is important because it allows each student to learn in a personalized way. Finally, the last subtopic, “Ethical Considerations of AI in Education,” critically examines ethical issues tied to AI implementation, including algorithmic bias and data privacy concerns. This research aims to comprehensively understand the dynamic relationship between AI and education, addressing ethical concerns and equipping stakeholders with knowledge for responsible integration.

Understanding A.I. in Education

Teacher Professional Development with A.I.

Ethical Considerations of AI in Education

A.I. in Special Education

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