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Group #6

  • 1. Bethany Muir
  • 2. Michelle Janzen
  • 3. Alicia Voogjarv

Grandparents Caring for Their Grandchildren

Changes in family structure has led to the increasing amount of grandparents taking full responsibilty for caring for their grandchildren. Many grandparents take on the surrogate role of parents because of problems with the parent generation such as drug and alcohol abuse, financial issues, incarceration and health issues <Goodman,C., Tan, P., Erandes, P., & Silverstein, M., 2008> Studies show that caregiving grandparnts are at risk for a host of problems including poverty, social isolation, depression, and personal health issues <Minkler, M., & Fuller-Thomson, E., 1999>

--Mj00aw 13:37, 29 October 2011 (EDT)MJ

The following link is a great example of the growing number of grandparents caring for grandchildren and the adversities that they face.


Emotional Well-Being

Psychological Distress

Older adulthood is supposed to be a time of reflection and reviewing past roles. When grandparents take on the responsibility of grandchildren, they must take on new roles which can increase stress levels (Sands & Goldberg-Glen, 2000). In a study done by Kelly, Whitley, Sipe, and Yorker (2000) it was found that almost 30% of custodial grandparents have distress scores that required clinical attention. Overall, the factors which have the most significant influence on psychological distress were fewer resources, less social support, and poor physical health (Kelly et al., 2000)--Av08to 09:32, 30 October 2011 (EDT) 72% of grandparents take in grandchildren when they are in the preschool age. This creates more of a physical demand which in turn causes grandparents to realize their functional limitations quicker, leading to depression (Minkler & Fuller-Thomson, 1999). This is mainly because grandparents who are less physically capable may not be able to interact with younger grandchildren as much as they would prefer (Kelly et al., 2000; Sands & Goldberg-Glen, 2000). --Av08to 09:29, 30 October 2011 (EDT)

Depressive Symptoms

It has been shown that many grandparents caring for grandchildren show almost double the depressive symptoms due to the added responsibility they face (Minkler & Fuller-Thomson, 1999). This is most true from younger grandparents who often have parents to care for in addition to grandchildren (Sands & Goldberg-Glen, 2000). Overall, it is found that the longer grandparents have to care for children, the more stress they experience (Sands & Goldberg-Glen, 2000). However, after 5 years, the children are usually older, and the grandparents have more experience, therefore depressive symptoms tend to decrease after this point (Minkler, Fuller-Tomson, Miller & Driver, 1997). --Av08to 09:32, 30 October 2011 (EDT)

--Av08to 09:32, 30 October 2011 (EDT)


When grandparents raise children they often experience grief for two main reasons: loss of children and loss of freedom (Pinson-Millburn, Fabian, Schlossberg & Pyle, 1996). Grandparents experience a loss of freedom as a result of the extreme change in routine. Some common changes include leisure time, friends, work, health, and finance (Pinson-Millburn et al., 1996). The main difference is that while under normal circumstances, grandparents can see their grandchildren from time to time, and give them love and support in incremental amounts, custodial grandparents must provide constant support as the grandparent is the main and sometimes sole provider (Pinson-Millburn et al., 1996). --Av08to 09:32, 30 October 2011 (EDT)

Grandparents experience grief over the loss of their children in the sense that when grandchildren live with their grandparents it is often a result of death, harmful habits, financial difficulties, child neglect, or disability (Pinson-Millburn et al., 1996). Figuratively, this results in a loss of children due to the fact that they do not understand how their children ended up in the situation they’re in, and feel as if they’ve failed them (Pinson-Millburn et al., 1996). --Av08to 09:32, 30 October 2011 (EDT)


Because many grandparents are in a position where they lack support and resources, they often experience increased anxiety (Sands & Goldberg-Glen, 2000). Younger grandparents may actually experience more anxiety than their elders because they may have multiple caregiver roles if they are responsible for both the child and aging parents (Sands & Goldberg-Glen, 2000). --Av08to 09:32, 30 October 2011 (EDT)


In comparison to parents, grandparents tend to experience much more isolation due to the fact that they receive little social support from institutions because they are not the custodial parents. In addition, they are not at the same stage in life as most other custodial parents so there is a greater age gap making it less likely that they will form a social support group with other caregivers (Pinson-Millburn et al., 1996).--Av08to 09:32, 30 October 2011 (EDT)


Grandparents must go from raising their own children, to raising grandchildren without being given a chance to experience life (Kelly et al., 2000). In addition, grandparents are more likely to experience frustration because they have difficulty taking over the role of the parent due to the generational gap, and the policies surrounding school, hospitals, and mental health providers which give more support to custodial parents (Kelly et al., 2000). --Av08to 09:32, 30 October 2011 (EDT)

Improving Emotional Well-Being

The main area which can be improved to help grandparents cope with the emotional toll of raising children is the increase of social support. Sands and Goldberg-Glen (2000) found that community resources such as daycare and counselling can help decrease stress levels. In these groups grandparents can vent their frustrations, and provide support and knowledge to one another (Pinson-Millburn et al., 1996). --Av08to 09:32, 30 October 2011 (EDT) Because declining physical ability can have a negative impact on emotional well being, it is important to increase the availability of technologies and in home services which can help grandparents cope with the physical capabilities required to care for young children (Minkler & Fuller-Thomson, 1999). --Av08to 09:32, 30 October 2011 (EDT)

The following video shows one program designed to help grandparents with the difficulties of raising grandchildren: --Av08to 09:32, 30 October 2011 (EDT)

Health Concerns

The health of grandparents who care for their grandchildren is becoming increasingly a concern as the number of grandparents caring full time for their grandchildren is increasing <Goodman, C, Tan, P, Ernandes, P., Silverstein, M., 2008>. Many grandparents provide care for their grandchildren and it is often a particularly important form of family support <Hank, K., & Buber, I., 2009> however the majority of health problems studied are in those grandparents who take on the full guardianship/care of the grandchild.--Mj00aw 13:40, 29 October 2011 (EDT)MJ

Causes for Poor Health

What causes the decreasing health in this particular group of grandparents? For one, family support or lack thereof is often related to stress. Grandparents who face the daily stresses raising children again an older age, are often without family support. This is different compared to the type of family support that they might have had when they were young parents. This stress often can cause poorer health outcomes < Goodman et al, 2008>. A second cause of poorer health in these grandparents is that many live in poor neighbourhoods, and have many financial setbacks. This is related to worse health in that many of these adults cannot afford the medical expenses, are unable to gain access to health facilities due to lack of transportation or child care, and often ignore their own health in order to maintain their grandchildren’s daily activities and schedules. Custodial grandparents often report cancelling medical appointments because of child care issues or responsibilities (Minkler & Fuller-Thomson, 2008). These grandparents often will downplay their illnesses or deteriorating health and delay seeking help in order to provide care for the children <Minkler, M., Fuller-Thomson, E., 1999). Custodial grandparents also tend to report more dissatisfaction in their health as compared to non Custodial grandparents (Minkler, M., Fuller-Thomson, E., 1999). --Mj00aw 13:38, 29 October 2011 (EDT)MJ

Common Health Issues

Physical demands on the grandparent can increase the risk of health issues especially if the grandparent is caring for younger grandchildren. Because chasing children around can be very physically taxing, grandparents often loose needed sleep and are more at risk of exposure to infections (Hughes, M., Waite, L., LaPierre, T., & Luo, Y., 2007). Body stiffness and arthritis tends to be a concern with grandparents who care for their grandchildren. Custodial Grandparents are also more likely than non-Custodial grandparents to report limitations in their movement abilities such as moving around the house, climbing stairs, doing household chores and tasks, and even maintaining employment (Whitley, D., Kelley, S., Sipe, T., 2001). The Stress of caring for grandchildren can manifest itself in physical symptoms such as headaches, fatigue, and increased blood pressure (Whitley, D., Kelley, S., Sipe, T., 2001). Another health concern is that due to the stress of being a custodial grandparent, they are more at risk for coronary heart disease and other heart related issues (Goodman et al, 2008). An interesting finding through the research in health problems among custodial grandparents is the increase of poor health habits. Many custodial grandparents report an increase in smoking and drinking, poor eating habits and lack of exercise.<Hughes, M., Waite, L., LaPierre, T., & Luo, Y, 2007> All of these factors contribute to the higher obesity rate in custodial grandparents as compared to non-custodial grandparents. With the higher risk of obesity comes even more health risk factors such as diabetes and its related health issues as well <Whitley, D., Kelley, S., & Sipe, T., 2001> --Mj00aw 13:39, 29 October 2011 (EDT)MJ

Positive Health Benefits

There is a small amount of research that has found a positive health improvement link to custodial grandparents. These grandparents have reported a positive experience of raising their grandchildren which has contributed to their emotional well being and physical wellbeing. These grandparents have reported an increase in physical exercise as they are forced to keep up with their grandchildren. There is also studies that have found custodial grandparents who have reported a decrease in unhealthy behaviours such as smoking, drinking and eating poorly. Grandparents report this du to that they are aware that their grandchildren are dependent on them and that their health could either make or break the difference between their grandchildren being cared by family or the social services system ( Hughes et al, 2007). --Mj00aw 13:38, 29 October 2011 (EDT)MJ

Financial Concerns

Grandparents caring for grandchildren have to deal with many financial difficulties now that they are caring for their grandchildren. This problem is not just located in Canada or the United States, but found worldwide (for example, in Australia and the United Kingdom. The grandparents suffer from financially supporting their grandchildren through employment challenges, housing challenges and government funding.

The following video is an excellent example of the financial issues grandparents are suffering from in the United Kingdom. Bm07da 19:01, 29 October 2011 (EDT)

Financial Challenges

Caring for grandchildren has many financial challenges including payments for school, recreational activities,and health care which often outweighs the budget of the grandparents [1]. In Australia, there is a state allowance given to children in foster or parental care for low income families, to help pay school needs [2] However, this study by Fitzpatrick and Reeve (2003)[2] revealed that children in the care of their grandparents usually would not receive the allowance as it is then based on the grandparents’ income and assets instead of the biological parents. The grandparents then have to determine between money they can spend on themselves and the amount of money that is needed for the children [1]. Also, instead of using their saved money for retirement, that money is now used for raising their grandchildren. Thus, any plans of going into retirement is now changed significantly and often put on hold. Furthermore, often the grandchildren are put into the care of the grandparents because the biological parents get involved in drugs and alcohol abuse[2]. With the grandchildren being exposed to such a harsh environment they suffer from psychological, emotional and psychical problems (from neglect or abuse). The grandparents then have to use their finances to pay for any treatment that is then needed to deal with the health needs of their grandchildren [2]. Bm07da 19:01, 29 October 2011 (EDT)

Employment Challenges

Housing Challenges

Once the grandparents’ own adult children move out of their house, they often have an excess of space. To deal with this, the grandparents often downsize their current living space to an environment more suitable to their needs [1]. However, once the grandparents have their grandchildren to take care of the need for space again doubles or triples[1]. Thus, when grandparents take in their grandchildren the current house is overcrowded. Therefore, there is an immediate need for a larger, more affordable house [1]. There a program of Federal Assisted Housing Programs which supplies housing at an affordable rate, however there is still the problem of waiting. Often the grandparents are eligible to transfer, but are too overcrowded and cannot afford the current housing situation [1]. This causes another financial burden to the grandparents as they try to create more space and get a more affordable living space. Bm07da 18:25, 29 October 2011 (EDT)

Government Funding


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 Crewe, S. E., & Stowell-Ritter, A. (2003). Grandparents raising grandchildren in the District of Columbia: Focus group report. Retrieved from:
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 Fitzpatrick, M., & Reeve, P. (2003). Grandparent’s raising grandchildren- a new class of disadvantaged Australians. Family Matters, 66, 54-57.
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