Social Media

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About This Subject

2-3 paragraph description of the subject area

Social Media and the Political Realm

With various social media platforms becoming an important and pervasive aspect of modern day society, it is important to consider the political ramifications for candidates who utilize these platforms during their election periods. With a focus on the 2016 Presidential Election, this topic will explore various aspects of how social media played a role in the Trump/Clinton election. Being able to effectively analyze and understand how social media can be used will give better insight into future campaign strategies. (Maddie)


Enli, G. (2017). Twitter as arena for the authentic outsider: exploring the social media campaigns of Trump and Clinton in the 2016 US presidential election. (Maddie)

Allcott, H., and Gentzkow, M. (2017). Social Media and Fake News in the 2016 Election. (Maddie)

Kreis, R. (2017). The "Tweet Politics" of President Trump. (Maddie)

Halpern, D., Valenzuela, S., and Katz, J. E. (2017). We Face, I Tweet: How Different Social Media Influence Political Participation through Collective and Internal Efficacy. (Maddie)

Social Media and youth behavioural health

Social media has become a common phenomenon in the society. Social media is a platform to offer users’ interactions with one and others and bring people closer than ever before. Marshall McLuhan’s mentioned that “the medium of communication shapes a society more than the content of its communications - The Medium is the Message (and the message).” (Tham, 2012) The spread and importance of this quite new form of media is so quick that it is almost charity actions, all kind of voluntary events, the development of creative side of oneself through sharing ideas with others, finding ideas for individual’s purpose, through creating videos and podcasts and others, fostering social skills and individual identity.


Tham, Jason (2012). Media Perspectives: How Social Media Reshape Consciousness, Redefine Identities. (Alice)

Carroll, J.A. and Kirkpatrick, R.L. (2011). Impact of social media on adolescent behavioral health. (Alice)

Elda, Tartari (2015). Benefit and risk of children and adolescents using social media. (Alice)

Jenna Palermo Christofferson. (2016). How is Social Networking Sites Effecting Teen ’s Social and Emotional Development: A Systemic Review. (Alice)

Social Media & News Information

With the continuing proliferation of social media in contemporary society, the news media industry has worked to increase it's presence on these platforms. As more and more news information appears on social media sites, users are confronted with a barrage of varying perspectives, opinions, and interpretations. These varying sources of news information often conflict or contradict each other, leaving today's social media user to navigate this increasingly complex media landscape. Understanding the several nuanced dynamics between news consumption and social media allows users to more confidently and consciously engage news information, forming a well-founded opinion. (Gareth)


Williamson, et al. (2011). Young Adults and Everyday Life Information: The Role of News Media. (Gareth)

Chan-Olmsted, et al. (2013). Mobile News Adoption Among Young Adults: Examining the Roles of Perceptions, News Consumption, and Media Usage. (Gareth)

Holton, et al. (2015). Reciprocity and the News: The Role of Personal and Social Media Reciprocity in News Creation and Consumption. (Gareth)

Lee, et al. (2017). The Effects of News Consumption via Social Media and News Information Overload on Perceptions of Journalistic Norms and Practices. (Gareth)

Social Media and Digital Consumption

As social media and digital consumption continues to adapt and evolve to the ever changing world around us, there has been a focus on how to attract and relate to viewers. Barstool Sports has created a paradigm shift in the way people market, advertise, and consume digital media. Barstool continues to break through societal and political norms and have been shooting for the stars in the world of social media and sports. (Mitch Nardi)


Burns, J. (2017). Past, Present, Future:How Barstool Is Swinging For The Fences In Digital Media. (Mitch Nardi)

The impact of social media on the development of children and teenager's identity

Social media plays a major role in the way teenagers and adolescents develop their identity than most of us may think; this include both group and individual identity. With the vast amount of information circling from website to website and the easy access to such information, children have now been introduced to new ideas and knowledge through social media websites such as Twitter, Facebook, Snapchat and virtual worlds such as second life, club penguin and sims. Social media play a positive role in helping children develop their self-identity. However, there is more negative than positive impact in the development of children and teenager's identity. (Chloe)


OKeeffe, G. S., and Clarke-Pearson, K.(2011).The impact of social media on children, adolescents, and families. Pediatrics, (4),800 (Chloe)

Yust K. (2014).Digital power:exploring the effects of social media on childrens spirituality. International Journal of Childrens Spirituality,19(2).(Chloe)

[[Assuncao, R., Costa, P., Tagliabue, S., & Mena Matos, P. p. (2017). Problematic Facebook Use in Adolescents: Associations with Parental Attachment and Alienation to Peers. Journal Of Child & Family Studies, 26(11), 2990-2998. doi:10.1007/s10826-017-0817-2. (Chloe).]]

How Trump Weaponised Twitter: An investigation of social media and the impact on politics

"As Trump's first year in the oval office comes to a close, we take a look at the impact that he has had on social media, more specifically Twitter. We analyze his thoughts and actions and as well as the positive and negative impacts it has had on social and political norms. We can also look at his actions creating a voice for people of influence on social media as well." (Mitch Nardi)


Buncombe, A. (2018). Donald Trump one year on: How the Twitter President changed social media and the country's top office. (Mitch Nardi)

Social Media & the Impact Major Companies Have On Society & Politics

"I chose to analyze an ad campaign by Adidas on Youtube. I found that the underlying message they are trying to promote, along with the message of brand consumption and social media use is relevant in today's world of society and politics"

Youtube Clip

[(Mitch Nardi)]

Social Media & Technology in Business & Education

"Accessing information with social media is a fast paced and accelerated way in which information is gathered. There is a large impact that social media has on society. Social media creates a transparent view of today’s world with the ability to access any kind of information with the ease of one’s fingertips. Information is power and from a business perspective it provides the ability to grow and thrive using social media. (Jennifer R)"

Social Media From a Business Perspective

In a business world, social media is a tool to which company’s use to pass on valuable information, including products to share and new and exciting content. It provides to be a beneficial resource when a business is launching a new product. It is also can help a company boost their online presence. (Jennifer R)


Mangold, W. G., & Faulds, D. J. (2009). Social media: The new hybrid element of the promotion mix. Business horizons (Jennifer R)

Trainor, K. J., Andzulis, J. M., Rapp, A., & Agnihotri, R. (2014). Social media technology usage and customer relationship performance: A capabilities-based examination of social CRM. Journal of Business Research (Jennifer R)

Building an Online Brand with Social Media

Social media and digital consumption is growing fast. The industry continues to adapt and evolve to the changing world. When a brand is looking to be developed or enhanced a company or individual must be able to understand the world of social media as well as the industry and how engagement and interaction is a beneficial tool to the development of social media. (Jennifer R)


Habibi, M. R., Laroche, M., & Richard, M. O. (2014). The roles of brand community and community engagement in building brand trust on social media. Computers in Human Behavior (Jennifer R)

Kietzmann, J. H., Hermkens, K., McCarthy, I. P., & Silvestre, B. S. (2011). Social media? Get serious! Understanding the functional building blocks of social media. Business horizons (Jennifer R)

Social Media & NonProfit Organizations

Non-profit organizations are considered as early adopters to social media. Charitable organizations use social media as a tool to provide information to the community and a way to seek for action from the public. Because public outreach and participation is important, social media is a powerful tool for these companies. (Jennifer R)


Curtis, L., Edwards, C., Fraser, K. L., Gudelsky, S., Holmquist, J., Thornton, K., & Sweetser, K. D. (2010). Adoption of social media for public relations by nonprofit organizations. Public Relations Review. (Jennifer R)

Lovejoy, K., & Saxton, G. D. (2012). Information, community, and action: How nonprofit organizations use social media. Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication. (Jennifer R)

Social Media, Technology & Education

Social media has become such a cultural phenomenon which is not going away. Social media is a platform which a lot of the youth are currently using. The importance of integrating this into classrooms is crucial because of how it can reshape the learning environment. Integrating social media into classrooms helps develop important skills to prepare youth for jobs which use technology and social media. (Jennifer R)


Chen, B., & Bryer, T. (2012). Investigating instructional strategies for using social media in formal and informal learning. The International Review of Research in Open and Distributed Learning (Jennifer R)

Davis III, C. H., Deil-Amen, R., Rios-Aguilar, C., & Gonzalez Canche, M. S. (2012). Social media in higher education: A literature review and research directions. report printed by the University of Arizona and Claremont Graduate University (Jennifer R)

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