
From BIOL 2P96 Jan 2013 Group 07

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Allogrooming - A form of mutual grooming in social insects and animals. Observed in ants, termites and other social insects, used to promote good hygiene in a nest [1].

Bait Station - Small structure with openings allowing entrance of the insects, and containing an attractive bait and insecticide [2].

Biopesticide - Microorganisms used in pest control. Development is underway for effective broad-range pathogen.

Conidia - Asexual, non-motile spores of a fungus. Also called mitospores

Deterrent - Substance that is avoided by foraging insects. Can be sprayed on to structures and acts to prevent structure damage by detering insects from using the material for food. ex. Timber [3].

Entomopathogens - A pathogen capable of invading an insect and killing it. ex. Fungi

Exoskeleton - Found in insects and crustaceans. Hardened outer latyer of cuticle composed of chitin.

Hemimetabolous - Incomplete metamorphosis in insects consisting of an egg stage, a variable number of nymph stages characterized by a slight increase in body size and specialized development, and finally an adult stage.

Mycelium - Vegetative part of the fungus, consisting of branched hyphae

Repellant - Prevents damage to structures by being unattractive to foraging insects. see Deterrent.

Notes and References

  1. Milner, RJ. and Pereira RM. 2007. Microbial control of urban pests - cockroaches, ants and termites. Field Manual of Techniques in Invertebrate Pathology. 20(2):695-711
  2. Milner, RJ. and Pereira RM. 2007. Microbial control of urban pests - cockroaches, ants and termites. Field Manual of Techniques in Invertebrate Pathology. 20(2):695-711
  3. Milner, RJ. and Pereira RM. 2007. Microbial control of urban pests - cockroaches, ants and termites. Field Manual of Techniques in Invertebrate Pathology. 20(2):695-711
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