Wilfred Laurier University 2008 Update

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E-Learning at Wilfrid Laurier University August 12, 2008


It has been a difficult year with WebCT as we’ve experienced numerous problems (some associated with file space). We have now moved to a multi-node license, additional servers and increased support and the system seems to be functioning better. The difficulties have led however, to the recognition of the need for a full LMS review, which we will begin in fall 2008.

We have also spent almost the past year working with SCT on our SIS/WebCT linkage project (Luminis). We are planning to launch the new system for fall term 2008, which will allow immediate downloading of registration information into the LMS and will also allow for on-line grade submission.


It has now been two years since we adopted one clicker system at Laurier (iclicker) and we have been very satisfied with the performance of the system. The use of clickers to support classroom teaching continues to increase.


We have adopted Horizon Wimba for our webcasting needs and this technology is now being incorporated into an increasing number of courses and projects at Laurier. It is anticipated that webcasts will soon be used to support or replace practicum visits for our Faculty of Social Work. We also use webcasts for research purposes, and in our online courses. It will need to be determined whether there is available budget to continue to support this technology for the future, but hopefully this will be the case as its use is increasing.

Online Learning

We have recently changed the name of our distance education ‘operation’ from the Distance Education Department to the Centre for Online Learning. Registration in online courses continues to grow (apx. 22 per cent last year) and the majority of students taking the courses are now full-time on-campus students. We believe the new name better reflects the nature of the program.

Other Technologies

We continue to experiment with Web 2.0 technologies such as blogs, wikis and podcasts, although these technologies have not been adopted in any systematic way at this time.

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