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Information collected by members and others about Learning Management Systems:


[edit] General Information

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[edit] LMS Comparison across Ontario Universities

[edit] Reports from Ontario Institutions

[edit] Other Comparisons

[edit] Definitions

These definitions are supported by whole articles in Wikipedia

  • LMS: Learning Management System - also known as Course Management System, Virtual Learning Enviroment, e-Learning system, etc. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Learning_Management_System
  • IMS: IMS Global Learning Consortium has outlined a number of standards for systems operating in this field to inter operate. Specification cover creating courses, course content, identify users, etc. In many cases "IMS Administration" and an API, application programming interface, which is used to programatically affect changes on the system are grouped into a single concept. IMS Global web site
  • Source code: Generally, code for software is written in a human-readable format and then complied into a machine-readable formate known as binary code which is what is run by users of the software. Software users do not need to see any complex source code in order to use software. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Source_code
  • Binary code/Object Code: Generally, binary code is the format software needs to be in for a computer to run it. Generally, software is distributed in unmodifiable binary format. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Object_file
  • Commercial/Proprietary software: Software is purchased for general use or for a set period of time. Generally, the software that is purchased is distributed in unmodifiable binary code. Generally, commercial software is developed by developers hired by the software vendor. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Proprietary_software
  • Open Source Software: Open source software is distributed in both binary code and source code formats. Most licences prevent the resale or distribution of the software without the source. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Open_source
  • Community source software: Community source software involves many of the tenants of open source software, but also includes explicit decisions about how the project to develop the software is to be run. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Community_source
  • Learning Technology Comparison Across Ontario Universities Learning Technology Comparison
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