OUCEL and Next Steps

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From: rpinet@UOTTAWA.CA Subject: Re: [OUCEL] OCEL and Next Steps Date: September 19, 2008 3:30:32 PM GMT-04:00 To: OUCEL-LIST@YORKU.CA Reply-To: OUCEL-LIST@YORKU.CA


Please take the time to read the following:

What follows is a synopsis of information (facts and personal expressions) I was able to assemble from conversations with Dr. Neil Gold, Chair of Ontario of Academic Council of Academic Vice Presidents (OCAV) and Chair of The Higher Education Quality Council of Ontario (HEQCO) (1), Sylvie Albert (Laurentian) and Brian Campell (UOIT) authors of recent working paper The Challenge of Participatory Technologies for Teaching and Learning at Ontario Universities. http://www.cou.on.ca/content/objects/ACWorkingPaper-ParticipatoryTechnologies-FINAL.pdf.pdf

The rationale for wanting to speak with Dr. Gold was to get information that might help us (OCEL) make a decision as to how we may (or may not) seek to position ourselves with the Educational Developers Caucus’ invitation to become an affiliate of the Council of Ontario Universities. I decided to contact Sylvie and Brian to get a better understanding of the political motivations of the commissioned white paper, and the impact it may have on the creation of an Institute for e-Learning (recommended in their paper) and the role our group may have in bringing such an entity into fruition.

Conversation with Neil Gold

I brought Dr. Gold up to speed on the history of our group and he was sympathetic to position we were in re: being initially “invited” to create an affiliate of e-learning groups across Ontario – and the conundrum of our present position.

It turns out that when OCAV met with EDC group (Trevor’s people) to begin discussion of creating affiliate - our group was not considered in their discussions.

He does identify with our concerns regarding the kind of “fit” we could/might have if we were to somehow be a part (to be determined) of the EDC group.

He is sympathetic to the view that – thought our groups do share the same overall objectives and values – there remain issues of concern that are distinct to each of our groups. I ran by the options we have before us: 1) start a dialogue with EDC group to seek to define possible affiliation with them either a) as full partners, or b) having reps from our group to sit on their governing body (I am not sure governance structure). Option 2 is to not seek any arrangement with EDC and see if we can define our own particular arrangements with OCAV and COU or any other body, independent of the newly formed EDC group.

Dr. Gold would like to see us present somewhere in all this – and is sympathetic to either option. He conferred with me in suggesting that option “b” may be more doable in light of the conversations we would need to have in the context of the time frame EDC is working with. It may be an option that – in the end – may serve us better as well – by keeping each other informed – and being able to get our issues heard with a recognized group that may help us move our issues / concerns up to decision makers. He did state that if neither “a” or “b” option was the option preferred by our group – he would be very open to help us in our pursuit of some kind of recognition by OCAV. We chatted about the importance of e-learning and the crucial role that universities’ cyber-structured environments play in teaching, learning and research. He encouraged me to keep him informed about how things develop.

Conversation with Sylvie Albert and Brian Campbell

Last week I had a phone meeting with Sylvie Albert (Laurentian) and Brian Campell (OUIT) authors of recent working paper The Challenge of Participatory Technologies for Teaching and Learning at Ontario Universities.

I was curious about the process by which working papers were generated at the COU and, how this paper in particular came to be commissioned. It turns out that a number of working papers are generated by the COU each year. A range of possible topics are brought forward and considered informally. The idea of this particular paper was suggested by a VP Academic (was not able to get name of this person) and was taken up by Brian and Sylvie.

They said that they felt that there seems to be a growing recognition by university administrators of the importance of issues raised in their paper. With regards to their allusion to the creation of an Institute for e-Learning – they firmly believe that the time may be right for this initiative – and feel that our group may be in the ideal position to help make this happen. They would both be willing to participate to help make this happen – and suggest that there may be resources available to such a group to do research around various e-learning issues.

One of the projects he mentioned was one that he has already began with 6 other universities dealing with issues of educational technology and (new students and last year students / longitudinal study) and issues of tech use and impact (no need to get into detail here save to say that he is willing to partner with other universities in this study). Just one of a number of possible research projects we might consider to undertake and to seek funds for.

SOOOOOO…… (If you have reads this far you are eligible to be considered to be in a draw for a prize that has yet to be determined)!


So. I have asked Aldo to set up a Survey Monkey page to solicit your response to possible next steps vis-a-vis as to how we want to position ourselves (or not) around EDC’s invitation to become an affiliate and the way we my like to arrange ourselves to do so (Please go to: http://www.surveymonkey.com/s.aspx?sm=_2bj6GNtsPJpbSJ5rNOUke7g_3d_3d to view these options and to cast your vote. Please keep in mind that there is only ONE vote per university.

If one of the first two options is chosen by our group – then we will need to write a letter to EDC requesting such a consideration and take it from there. We can also – at the same time – pursue other options – if we decide to do so as well. (EG – simultaneously explore the creation of an Institute for e-Learning for example).

Thanks for your time in reading this and or casting your vote. Please vote as soon as possible so that we can move onto our next steps.

Merci bien


PS – Thanks to Aldo and Andrew for their help and feedback!

(1) For background information on HEQC see Power Point Presentation by Ken Norrie/ Higher Education Quality Council of Ontario: Mission Mandate and Work Plan http://www.vpacademic.uoguelph.ca/ocav/natvac_presentations/NATVAC%20October%202007%20Ver%20Ainsley%20HEQCO%20template%2097%20to%202003%20format.ppt#281,1,Slide 1

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